This event is part of a series of 8 sector consultations in the 8 regions of Romania. The results of these meetings and workshops, concluding with the European conference, aim to shape a strategy such that by 2030 Romania will be a circular economy leader in Central and South Eastern Europe.
Water resource management is a public interest concern on a global level, being the sixth among the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, seeking to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and hygiene for humanity. According to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, a 40% water deficit is expected by 2030. The unavailability of freshwater resources and the difficulty of meeting human needs for drinking water have prompted the World Economic Forum (2015) to consider it the highest global risk for the next 10 years, with effects felt on all continents.
At the same time, water systems support all segments of society and industry so that the opportunities offered by these interfaces to create additional value through the application of circular economy principles can be solutions to ensure viable partnerships in ensuring sustainable development.
The purpose of the conference is to involve industry experts, research specialists, education and civil society to discuss best practices and models available to facilitate the transition of Romania towards a circular economy strategy by 2030.
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