8:30am // Registration, Coffee & Mingling
9:00am // Welcome
9:15am // Session 1 & 2
10:15am // Session 3 & 4
11:00am // Coffee Break
11:30am // Session 5
12:15pm // Break for lunch
1:00pm // Session 6
2:15pm // Workshop
3:00pm // Coffee Break
3:30pm // Workshop
4:15pm // Session Q&A, Closing the conference and workshop
Session 1: Trends in the Water Resources Market
• Urban planningtoensurefresh water resources and hygiene conditions
• Ensure raw water resources for the industry
• The waste of water
Session 2: Quality of life and water footprint
• The role of community water resources
• Setting footprint (water consumption)
• Education of Generations in Community Water Resilience
Session 3: Industry and Best Available Techniques
• Circular economy: Barriers and opportunities for water quality, pressure on aquifers
• Mineral waters and sustainable development
• The impact of industry 4.0 on water consumption
Session 4: Infrastructure in water resource management
• Investments in water infrastructure – decision-making process
• Partnerships to ensure community resilience – institutional role and participatory budgeting
Session 5: Funding in Water Resources Management
• Ensuring ecosystemservicesandproliferation of riparian systems
• Sustainable financing of water resource management projects
• Benefits and cost recovery for water resource management services
Session 6: Geopolitics of the Danubeand Black Sea area
• Interest in South Eastern Europe for water resources and associated services
• Stakeholders, institutional mechanisms and the framework for the sustainable development of the Danube and the Black Sea
Workshop – Questions for discussion
1. Where do we want Romania to be in 2030 and in terms of adopting the circular economy in the textile industry in terms of adopting Agenda 2030?
2. How do we get there in terms of adopting the circular economy in the textile industry?
- Session 1, 9:15am
- Session 2, 09:45am
- Session 3, 10:15am
- Session 4,10:45am
- Session 5, 11:30am
- Session 6, 1:00pm
Dr. Simina LAKATOS, IRCEM President
Prof. Dr. Eng. Eden MAMUT - Ovidius University of Constanta
Ion Danut JUGANARU - General Manager of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Navigation and Agriculture of Constanta (CCINA)
Mihaela FRINCU - National Institute of Research and Development for Electrical Engineering ICPE-UPB
Marius ALBU - Romanian National Water Administration
Claudia MUSETOIU - Head of Environmental Monitoring Service, SC APA CANAL 2000 S.A. PITESTI
Constantin DAMIAN - SC Kema Tronic SRL - SONOELCHEMCELL Innovative NEPTUNE Project
Rares GAIDAMUT - ECOAQUA Calarasi Intercommunity Development Association
Ioana VLAICU & Dr. Mihai GHITA - IMNR
Alin MURARIU - Romanian Compost Association
Questions for discussion
What are the circular policy instruments adopted by Romania so far and how do they influence the water industry?
Identify the key areas for implementing the systemic circular economy across the value chain of the water industry (production, consumption, waste watermanagement, innovation andinvestment, others).
Why is there a need for a circular economy strategy in Romania and what is the role of the state in achieving this?
What kind of circular economy do we want to have in Romania by 2030?
What are the trends in the systemic circular economy related to innovation, technology, education, legislation in concern with the economic, social and environmental three pillars, in the world? and in neighboring countries?
Questions for discussion
How will the technological developments influence the global economy, the European economy and national economies, including the Romanian economy?
Where does Romania stand in economic, social and environmental terms regarding the adoption of the circular economy in 2019? (SWOT analysis, Strengths - Weaknesses)
What advantages and opportunities does Romania have in relation to the adoption of the circular consumption and production model?
Analysis of Romania's real potential from the point of view of resources and an appreciation of how to value them (Analysis of Romania's resources and capacity to adopt the concept of systemic circular economy in the year 2018).
What investment and development programs in the water industry should focus on facilitating the transition to the systemic circular economy by 2030?